Tel: 057525353, Mobile: 9845031101, Email:

Soil and fertilizer testing labratory visit

Soil and fertilizer testing labratory visit for the SARTHI Round 2 exchange volunteer, session facilitated by Senior officer DR.Janardan Khadka (10th level, soil scientist)...

International Youth Day

Sarthi round 2 exchange volunteer participated in the program conducted by province youth council on the ascuipious occousion of Internation youth day.
Round 2 Preparatory training

Round 2 Preparatory training

  Integrated Village Development Services (IVDS) Makwanpur organized 5 days preparatory training with the collaboration of Parmarth Samaj Sevi Sansthan (India) for youth exchange participants....
Meeting and workshop with local government

Meeting and workshop with local government

On the date of 2024-03-22 Integrated Village Development Services organized a meeting and workshop with local government at Hotel Avacoda and Orchid Resort...

Climate Change Adaptation Training

  Brief of the organization and profile of the SARTHI Project To reduce the risk and vulnerability of climate change on Agriculture. To change...

Networking with former Norec participants

On the date of 2024-05-10 Integrated Village Development Services organized a networking program with Former Youth exchange volunteer at Hotel Jungle Safari, Chitwan in...