- On the date of 2024-03-22 Integrated Village Development Services organized a meeting and workshop with local government at Hotel Avacoda and Orchid Resort in the presence of our chief guest Ms. Mina Lama, Mayor of Hetauda Sub metropolatian City, and chairperson of Ward 15 and 18 as a guest. All the other ward chairperson were also invited but due to there busy schedule they could not attend our meeting. In this meeting, the section head and the senior Doctor of Agriculture department from Hetauda Sub metropolitian City had made their presence and gave all the participants in sight of the policy, regulation, functionality of the agriculture department so that the participants would have much more knowledge of the agriculture departments of the district (Makwanpur) they are being mobilized to. In the workshop the previous beneficiary of the Organization were also invited so that they would have a brief about the profile, objectives aim and vision of the organization and the project SARTHI model. Program was started after the breakfast and ended after the lunch time.