
Integrated Village Development Service (IVDS) is a non-profit making non-governmental organization dedicated for working on uplifting the socio-economic status of marginalized people. It is established by a team multi-disciplinary professionals having experience in development sector. Since its establishment as NGO, it has been working in key development sector and contributing on rural development, promoting rights of people including women and children, supporting for formal and non-formal education, food security, sustainable livelihood, environmental protection, disaster risk management and women empowerment in socio-economic wellbeing. The major target people of the project implementing by IVDS are vulnerable and disadvantage group of people, living in the rural areas with below access to basic service delivery and facilities. Since it’s established in 1998 AD, it has implemented several development projects in partnership with bilateral Donor, INGOs, and Government agencies. Some key partners are ADB, UNDP, NOREC, Plan Nepal, USAID, Save the Children, CARE Nepal, Hellen Keller International, French Cooperation, World View, FSPN, NEWAH; government line agencies such as district offices of education, small and cottage industry development, agriculture, livestock, and local governments.